As architects, educators, planners, environmentalists and designers, we condemn the spacio-cidal violence enacted on the Gaza Strip and its people. We call for an immediate permanent ceasefire and the rebuilding of Gaza in close collaboration with those displaced families. The 30,000+ lives that have already been lost cannot be restored, but those still living will need the means to survive. More than these, the people of Gaza and Palestine more broadly will need a means to imagine a future, in a world transformed.

Architects for Gaza – Rebuild Cluster is dedicated to the advancement of citizenship & community development, and the relief of poverty and displacement in Gaza by working in close collaboration with the local population, and by supporting interdisciplinary self-help clusters as needed.

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Architects for Gaza – Education Cluster is dedicated to the advancement of education for the public benefit. Through the Gaza Global University platform — a hybrid virtual and physical institution that will bring together academics and practitioners — we commit to supporting the advancement of education for Palestinians students, academics and scholars.

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A selection of resources including authored articles, recorded events, podcasts and materials we have found helpful from those amplifying support for Palestine at this time. 

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Support Architects for Gaza and the work of our friends and collaborators.

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